Divorce is always difficult, especially when you and your spouse have children. If the father of your children is in the armed services, know that the military considers child support a service member's duty. Officers can dole out punishments to those in their command...
3 myths about same-sex divorce in Alaska
Experiencing a divorce comes with a great deal of stress and uncertainty. Same-sex couples who decide to split likely feel even greater uncertainty if they do not understand where their situation stands in the eyes of the law. In general, any couple moving forward...
Limitations and difficulties with QDROs
A Qualified Domestic Relations Order (QDRO) is a way for courts to divide retirement benefits in a divorce. The beneficiary, or alternate payee, is typically the ex-spouse. However, retirement plans can also pay a child or other dependent. Splitting marital property...
Your military divorce may affect your eligibility for benefits
If you are facing divorce, you probably wonder how much of your military spouse’s retired pay you stand to receive. However, another question concerns the military benefits you enjoyed during your marriage. How will the divorce affect your eligibility for those...
3 signs your soon-to-be ex-spouse wants a friendlier divorce
You undoubtedly have heard some divorce horror stories from your friends, coworkers or relatives. While it is true some marriages end in bitter and protracted court battles, many couples pursue friendlier divorces. That is, rather than going through a long court...
Can I end a same-sex marriage through divorce in Alaska?
Divorce is often stressful. When you are trying to end a same-sex marriage and you live in an area that can still be behind on the times, it can be even tougher. If this situation sounds familiar, the first thing to know is that you are not alone. Representation is...
Does your Alaska divorce require a QDRO?
A qualified domestic relations order legally requires the division of a retirement account in a divorce. The Alaska court will issue a QDRO that mandates the transfer of a portion of a person's retirement funds to his or her former spouse. Review the basics about...
How does collaborative divorce handle the “tough topics?”
Issues of child custody and support, alimony or property tend to be the ones that make people most skeptical of committing to a collaborative divorce. However, collaborative divorce is a process that emphasizes resolving disputes, not simply fighting them out. How...
4 tips for communicating with your spouse during divorce
Even though you may not have originally planned on divorcing your spouse, divorce is a common experience for many. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, in 2018, 782,038 divorces occurred in the U.S. As you work towards a settlement, you may...
3 reasons to consider a collaborative divorce
When a divorce goes to court, the trial process itself often makes an already stressful situation even worse. The adversarial nature of divorce litigation automatically pits one spouse against the other, and a judge has the final say about important decisions that may...